Going For A Gander.

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Those display homes are great to have a wander through and when I was younger if we were really bored one weekend we would get in the car and go around to all the new estates and have a look through the display homes and ooh and ahh over all the new gadgets and how everything was so shiny and perfect looking.

Don’t eat the fruit from out of the bowl in the kitchen though it is fake, well they were when I was a kid, a plastic banana is not very tasty, and spitting it out on the new carpet, will get you very funny looks from the real estate lady.

What they don’t mention when you are going through and having a sticky beak is that the display models have absolutely everything that the building firm has to offer and that the price they are showing you is actually for their base model without all the trimmings. In some cases this can be such things as the skirting boards and flooring, you will have to do those things yourself because they are considered trim and not absolutely essential to the liveability of a home.

Why anyone would want live in a home that has no floor coverings is not even worth asking, the only thing the developers are worried about is making a quick buck and they are happy for you to move into what is clearly a half-finished house. So when they give you the brochure to go through make sure you take no notice of the picture on the front and look at the specifications on the inside and while you are in the display home get them to show you how big your house would be if you decided to go with the base model. Do not hesitate to contact a plumber in Brisbane South

Bet they won’t do it. There will be some reason they can’t like the houses are built on different lines and it would not be a good indication of the proper size, right well then why not give out the brochure for the house you are standing in then. They will give it to you but it definitely won’t be the affordable price they have been rabbiting on about for the last half hour, they think if they drone on long enough you will zone out and just see what you want to see, which is a brand new, shiny house with fabulous, spacious rooms and a great kitchen.

After they have made sure you are drooling down your chin and are no longer listening to them, this is when they bring up the fact that the house you are looking at is not what they are taking about, this what they can legitimately say they told you that fact when you go to complain your house has only two bedrooms and the dog doesn’t fit in the second one and the toilet is in the actual shower.