Walk into any modern home and you will be surprised at the amount of toxic chemicals that you will find. While they are meant to make domestic life simpler, the negative and harmful effects they pose to man and to the environment cannot be ignored.
You can turn your home into an eco home by purchasing and using commercial products that are non-toxic. Making your own home made cleaning products is another alternative you can take. Homemade substitutions are inexpensive, safe, are easy to use and are environmentally friendly. They can be used alone or combined with other alternatives for a broader spectrum of cleaning experience.
Some of the readily available natural alternatives are:
Lemon. This is a very effective disinfectant. Lemon juice poured into a bit of salt makes a perfect mix of one of the safest pool stain removers for stubborn rust stains.
Soap. Unscented soap is biodegradable and can be used for multiple cleaning purposes. You should make sure that the soap you are using contains no amounts of petroleum distillates.
White vinegar. This works really well in removing odors, grease stains, wax and mildew. You can also consider pool cleaning services in Townsville.
Corn starch. This can be used in furniture polishing, shampooing of carpets and cleaning windows
Borax. This can be used for multiple purposes such as softening water, cleaning floors, disinfecting water, cleaning and deodorizing walls and wallpaper.
Citrus solvent. This is effective in cleaning grease and oil stains, cleaning paint brushes and removing some types of stains.
Washing soda. It is used for removing stains, softening water, removing grease stains and cleaning tiles and walls.
Using eco friendly products to clean your home is just one step in the right direction. You should also take up cleaning habits that will promote a healthy living environment. Here are some recommendations that you can start on today.
Reduce dust in your home. Anything that is prone to accumulating dust should be removed. Old magazines and newspapers should not be left lying around to accumulate dust. Have people remove their shoes before entering the house to reduce amounts of fine dust that could accumulate.
Have clean bedrooms at all times. Discourage having pets in the bedroom. Pets that spend time outdoors should be a complete no-no in the bedrooms. You do not want to have dust on your bedding and floor that could contain all sorts of harmful bacteria and other illness and disease causing organisms.
Ensure there is sufficient clean air flowing in all rooms. Make sure you open the windows to allow free flow of air. During the winter season, use an exhaust fan.
Planned cleaning. Do not clean in an uphazard manner. Follow a pattern and clean the house from the top downward. The carpet and the floor should be the last to be cleaned. Wait for some time before vacuuming. This will allow dust to first settle well on the floor.
Use biodegradable sponges. Sponges made from plastic or polyester are non biodegradable. Use cellulose sponges that are not harmful to the environment.